Healing is more than a temporary fix to an underlying problem. Natural medicine, such as homeopathy and herbal remedies, aid in treating the body as a whole. Our bodies have an innate ability to heal allowing you to take charge of your health and become empowered in your own healing.

Sherry implements innovative treatment options such as Myers IV therapies, which support the immune system , as well as a variety of detox methods including FIR sauna therapy.

Mind Body Spirit Center provides a space for several practitioners of like mind to offer their services. These services include, but are not limited to meditation, yoga, massage and retreats.

Healing is more than a temporary fix to an underlying problem. Natural medicine, such as homeopathy and herbal remedies, aid in treating the body as a whole. Our bodies have an innate ability to heal allowing you to take charge of your health and become empowered in your own healing.
Welcome to The Mind Body Spirit Center.
A holistic approach to improving your health.
​At Mind Body Spirit Center we offer a holistic variety of services to promote health and healing. Our services include General Healthcare, Women's Healthcare, Detoxification, Seminars, Classes, Yoga and others.
Inside the walls of Mind Body Spirit Center can be found a calm and peaceful environment dedicated to promoting the body’s ability to heal itself. The group of trained staff who practice here hold the highest good for those in their care while working to provide holistic and natural solutions to health and wellbeing.
Please visit our Community page to meet our other practitioners who share this space.
Sherry Tackett, CNP is a nurse practitioner who specializes in identifying and treating causes of disease. Her goal is to offer natural medical care to patients while at the same time implementing innovative treatments for diseases and conditions.

Sherry specializes in the treatment of HPV with an herbal protocol created specifically for the viral infection. She has implemented this herbal treatment with great success in patients. For more on Sherry Tackett, visit our About page.
"The Mind Body Spirit center is like a garden where you visit and see different things... you don't go away with the whole garden at once but you go away with one bouquet at a time."
- Anonymous
Listen below to a live interview of Sherry Tackett on the show Connect with Julianna from Toginet.com by clicking on the orange play button.
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